Thiais-Orly Station

Lyes Hammadouche

Born in 1987 in Algiers, Algeria.
Lives and works in Paris.
Graduating from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 2013, his work gained recognition two years later when he received a carte blanche invitation from the Collège des Bernardins in Paris. Interested in cognitive sciences and particularly hypnosis, Lyes Hammadouche creates moving artworks that question our perception of time (whether long or short) and social life cycles, like those of sleep. The result is streamlined, sometimes enigmatic objects that are constantly evolving.

For Thiais-Orly Station, Lyes Hammadouche offers a futuristic installation featuring four "satellite" sculptures suspended in the hall, echoing both the clocks, iconic objects in stations, and the "celestial" vault of the station hall.

TANDEMS, Artists and Architects is a project of the Société du Grand Paris (Greater Paris Metropolitan Region), conceived and implemented by the artistic and cultural direction of the Greater Paris Network led by José-Manuel Gonçalves with 104Paris, Manifesto, and Eva Albarran Agency. Tandems oversees the artistic coordination of the design of permanent artworks in the future stations of the Greater Paris Network.
François Morellet