Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Under studies

Jeddah City Mall

Located in the heart of Jeddah Economic City and closely associated with Jeddah Tower, the Mall seems to capture the energy of this giant tower, the tallest in the world, and to spread it through the city in the form of concentric waves.
Jeddah Economic City
New mixed use district. Shopping centre, Intercontinental hotel, offices, conference rooms, event centre, restaurants, leisure
300,000 m²
Under studies
These successive waves constitute an emblematic image which combines with that of the Tower to make an icon that is unique in the world. The Mall’s undulating roof is in immense garden, accessible to the public, which constitutes a “Central Park” on a scale with the complex.

The Mall is designed as a true urban and pedestrian district that is totally integrated into the city, in direct continuity with the surrounding districts and in a close relationship with the Tower and its belvedere, as well as the lake and its activities. The project is intended as an environment for people and for pleasure, combining retail, catering, leisure, sports and culture. The very fluid interior architecture continuously creates varied ambiances and situations that provoke surprise and the pleasure of discovery.

A PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) irrigates the Mall and reinforces the image of a futuristic place. Its small panoramic vehicles, which circulate high up inside the Mall, make it easy for families to get around.
Administrative City
of Lille